Friday, May 14, 2010


Charitable Donations

More and more of today's Bride and Groom are not as traditional as the last. So many couples are established in their careers, home owners, and bluntly put, already own all of the appliances and glassware they will ever need.

Whatever the reasons, more and more couples are choosing to donate to a charity as opposed to providing wedding favors to their guests. Some simply feel the favors are a waste of money because they are, so often, tossed aside and forgotten about the day after the ceremony.

So how can you make your donation look appealing and meaningful to your guests?

One couple chose to make cute cards adorned with antique buttons, letting guest know they had made a donation to two charities for animals in need.

Some charities also provide escort cards with a small paragraph about the charity and your donation to place at each place setting!

Happy Donating!

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